Servant's Song Publishing Home Page Header

Well, hello there! I see you’ve found your way to the home base here at Servant’s Song Publishing.

You must have some mighty special projects in order if you’ve slogged through the entire web to find my hidden base.

So how can I help you?

Are you a first-time author excited to publish but unsure where to start or what you need to do to get your book in print?

Maybe this isn’t your first rodeo and you are looking for just the right person to help you out with your next book—you know what you want, but can’t seem to find it.

Perhaps you own or work for an established business and the typos in your everyday paperwork and advertising are driving you mad but you don’t want the hassle of managing another full-time employee and can’t find the time to fix them yourself.

Or maybe you’re building a business and all that content and copywriting you need for marketing, branding, ranking in search results, et cetera is making your head spin.

You could even be another freelancer/solopreneur trying to find some help with your business, or even just a role model to compare to or a friend to bounce ideas off of.

Whatever brought you here, I’ve got you covered.

From ghostwriting and book coaching to editing and formatting; from beta reading and publishing support to helping you connect with other talented freelancers who can help bring your dreams to fruition; my goal is to make the daunting doable so you can turn someday into now.

Because I’ve been in your shoes.

I know what it feels like to have a goal and not know how to reach it. I am here to be your helping hand and make your dreams reality.

Why push your hopes of publishing into the hazy realm of “someday” when you could make them reality write now?*

For more information about what Servant’s Song Publishing can do for you, take a look at the Services page where I go into more detail about what I do and how I do it so you can determine what’s right for you.

To learn more about the origins and mission of Servant’s Song, check out my About page.

Ready to reach out? Contact Me! Whether you have questions, need a freelance buddy, or are ready to work together—or if you just want to tell me how awesome I am and how much you love my website—I’d love to hear from you! 😜 

*Pun fully intended.

This site is still under construction; some pages may be inactive or incomplete. Please be patient—improvements are happening every day.