The publishing world is tough to navigate as a first-time author, or even as a successfully published author trying something new.

Should you go the traditional publishing route? Should you get an agent to figure everything out for you? Should you self-publish . . . and if yes, how?

That’s where I come in.

I’m not an agent. I’m not a traditional publishing house. I’m not a distributor.

I won’t pay you an advance on your writing, hire all the people you need throughout the process, design a marketing campaign, schedule book signings, or print and distribute your book.

But I will help you do it yourself.

Think of me as your Book Bestie. I’m the person with answers, so when you can’t figure out what your book needs, how to fund it, where to find talent to help you finish it, when to market it, or who to use as a distributor, you can tap me for help and I’ll walk you through the options.

My focus is self-publishing but I’m a whiz with research and have a growing network of writers and freelancers I can tap into for you if you are looking at something beyond my immediate scope of expertise.

If you have a question I don’t have the answer to . . . I will find the answer.

📧 Contact Me Now! 👩🏼‍💻

That's Great for Now; Here's What's Coming Next!

To make things even easier for you, I am building a directory of freelancers I can personally vouch for.  If you like working with me, I can almost guarantee you will like working with them!

Aaaannnd . . . 

Also coming soon is a list of my favorite resources for self-published authors, including ways to fund, market, and distribute your book.

Here’s one to get started with ⤵︎


Introducing PublishDrive

PublishDrive is a distribution platform that makes it a breeze to get your book published on . . . well, pretty much any platform you can think of. Skip the hassle of hunting down the different options and uploading your book separately to each one; PublishDrive puts it all in one place.


† Earns commissions.

As with all my affiliates, I wouldn’t link it if I didn’t like it! As an author myself, I will be using PublishDrive to publish and distribute my books.