Meet the Mind Behind the Madness!

I’m Abigail, a freelancer with a busy brain, way too much time to research on my hands, a touch of crazy, and a whole lot of flair for adventure! My hobbies are as broad as the horizon and as varied as mountain terrain, but I especially love working with words.

I am always studying or researching something—whether it be the random and useless fact that in the very distant past swords and potatoes are remotely connected etymologically or picking up a new skill like Legal Writing (my current study)—and love to try new things and drop random factoids for my friends to contemplate.

When I am not doing something with words—reading, writing, editing, formatting, learning languages, etc.—I enjoy hanging out with family, spending time in the great outdoors, playing music, and studying my bible.

The Story Behind the Business

Servant’s Song Publishing was never really supposed to exist.

It was a kid’s dream, tucked away in a little box labeled “someday” and set aside in favor of more responsible and realistic plans for a real job.

You see, even as a child I wanted to be a writer. When I wasn’t reading a book or writing my own stories, I was creating dramas in my mind and having my siblings act them out. By the time I hit my teens, my friends and I had a little writers’ group and we would share our stories with each other, edit them, toss around ideas, and talk about our big plans to be published authors someday.

I took those plans a step further than most of my friends did: I was going to own a publishing house and all of us would publish through that instead of trying to cut a deal with any big publishing house.

I called my grand idea Servant’s Song Publishing. The name was inspired by my love for music and my faith. As a Christian I take the directive to “learn to be the servant of all” and the designation “bondservant of Christ” seriously. I wanted my company to reflect the values my life is built on.

My company would cover all the bases writers needed: coaching, editing, typesetting and formatting, proofreading, digital and print publishing . . . it was going to be epic on a small scale. I even pictured a little print shop.

But I was warned that writers often end up starving artists. My books weren’t going to pay for me to start a business like that. I would need a real job to save up for that “someday” dream.

Being a very pragmatic person (usually) I shelved Servant’s Song as a thing for the distant future and relegated writing to a hobby.

Until a random post in a Facebook group my mom was in called for an editor . . . and the author wasn’t picky about who it was. I jumped on that editing gig and loved it.

I’ve always been the annoying person who corrected people’s grammar, always loved editing my friends books, and I read the dictionary for fun. My screen saver is the Word of the Day. Yet somehow it didn’t click until I got that gig that Servant’s Song Publishing didn’t need to start with a team of editors and other professionals, it needed to start with me.

So I embarked on the journey to teach myself to be a professional editor . . . and writer . . . and book formatter . . .

Can you see where this is going?

I began collecting skills and marketing them . . .

. . . And I’m still going!

In 2023 I officially launched my business as a copyeditor and book formatter. Since then I have continued to upskill, constantly pressing my boundaries and learning new things, honing my skills and perfecting my craft.

We all know “I’ll do it someday” is another way of saying “It will probably never happen.” But I don’t believe in letting little things hold you back, or letting the distant someday kill your dreams. That’s why I am committed to Making the Daunting Doable So You Can Turn “Someday” into “Now.”